Sep 15, 2012

The sun | Get more info about the SUN

Here the post providing you about the Sun. As a human we should get more knowledge about the Sun because our existence totally depends on the Sun. So don't loss time check out the post.

Important data about the Sun:
Average distance of the Sun from the earth
149,398,900 Km
Temperature o outer surface
Interior temperature
Equatorial diameter
1,391,980 Km
Rotation period
25 days 9 hr 7 min
Traveling speed of the Sun’s rays
300,00 Km/s
Time taken by the sun’s rays to reach the earth’s surface
496.6 seconds (8 min & 16.6 seconds)
About 5 billion years
Expected life
About 10 billion years
Chemical composition
Hydrogen 71%
Helium 26.5%
Other elements 2.5%

Qns. Which is by far the largest object in our solar system?
Ans. The Sun

Qus. The Sun consists primarily of-
Ans. Hydrogen

Qns. The Greeks call sun-
Ans. Helios

Qns. The sun’s energy output is produced by-
Ans. Nuclear fusion reations

Qns. The surface of the Sun is called the-
Ans. Photosphere

Qns. Which region of the sun can be seen only during total solar eclipse?
Ans. Corona

Qns. A low density stream of charged particles emitted by the sun is called the-
Ans. Solar wind

Qns. How old is the sun?
Ans. 4.6 billion years old.

Qns. What chemical elements compose the photosphere of the Sun?
Ans. Hydrogen and Helium.

Qns. The sun is largest object in the solar system. What percentage does it occupy?
Ans. Approximately 99%

Qns. What lies above the photosphere?
Ans. Chromosphere

Qns. What is the sun the center of?
Ans. Solar system

Qns. What do muclear fusions make?
Ans. Energy

Qns. What is the highly rarefied region above the chromosphere where temperatures reach over 1,000,000 K and where solar flares are observed ?
Ans. Photosphere

Qns. What is the effect of solar activity as seen on Earth most especially in the North?
Ans. Auroras

Qns. How does the sun generate its energy?
Ans. Nuclear fusion

Qns. The sun is about 4.6 billion years old. How much longer can it sustain life?
Ans. 5 billion years.

Qns. What is the inner layer of the sun called?
Ans. Core

Qns. What is the spectrum of our Sun?
Ans. G2

Qns. What property of the sun is responsible for its visible activity?
Ans. Its large magnetic field.

Qns. At what stage is the Sun in it’s life cycle?
Ans. Main sequence

Qns. About how long does the sun take to spin once on it’s axis?
Ans. 25 days

Qns. What is the cause of the sunspots?
Ans. Distorted magnetic fields

Qns. What element was first discovered from the spectrum of the Sun?
Ans. Helium

Qns. The sun has a core temperature of approximately-
Ans. 27,000,000 degrees F


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